Myrra Kate

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Procrastinating on Your Course? Read This.

You can’t afford NOT to launch a course.

You know that launching your course is a MASSIVE opportunity for you. It’s not only a digital product that you can create to make consistent passive income, it’s also a chance for you to make bank doing and teaching what you love.

You want to launch this course to finally make enough money so you can eventually replace your full-time job income and be able to work from home. You want to launch this course not only to make money but also to have more freedom with your time, to be able to afford to travel and to be able to be more present with your family and friends.

But the problem is…

You can’t seem to stop procrastinating on your course.

You can’t seem to start with your course creation process even if you said you’ll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow becomes the next day, and the next week, and then, you suddenly realize that it’s been months since you’ve been wanting to launch a course but never having to do it.

I know and I can say this in honest terms because I’ve personally been there.

It took me nine months to go from “I want to launch a course” to “I finally launched a course!”


In all those nine months, I’ve always been on the verge of finally making my first course idea a reality. But I was stuck. I kept consuming content and strategies that left me even more confused. I was overwhelmed with where to start.

Until I let go of my expectations and just took the leap. I just decided that it’s ALL OR NOTHING -- launch a course or keep myself in the same place forever. So I chose to launch my first ever course.

I was never fully ready but when I did so, it was the most fulfilling thing ever. It’s like I finally got a weight off my shoulders, a goal I’ve been wanting to achieve for months, and PLUS, I GOT SALES!

3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Stop Procrastinating on Your Course

If you can relate to what I said and if you’ve been delaying on launching your course but you want to get out of this procrastination cycle, here are some questions to reflect upon to help you stop procrastinating on your course:

Do I Want to Keep Myself in the Same Place or Move Closer to My Goals?

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu

The truth is nothing will happen if you keep yourself doing the same things. If you don’t launch your course now, you’re keeping yourself in the same place. You’re not allowing yourself to take the leap. Would you rather keep yourself stuck where you are or take a step -- no matter how scary it might be -- that moves you closer to your dream life? 

What Is My Why? Am I Committed to It?

“Achievement happens when we pursue and attain what we want. Success comes when we are in clear pursuit of why we want it.” - Simon Sinek

Your WHY or your purpose is a huge factor when it comes to your actions. This means that you’re procrastinating because your WHY is not powerful or motivating enough to fuel you to move. Think about your Why and make sure that it is really impactful in your life and that you are committed to it.

How Is Procrastinating on My Course Helping Me or Not Helping Me?

“Remember: we all get what we tolerate. So stop tolerating excuses within yourself, limiting beliefs of the past, or half-assed or fearful states.” - Tony Robbins

At some point, we stick with our limiting beliefs and negative patterns because they’re beneficial for us.

Think about it, procrastinating on your course is keeping you safe from an “unfamiliar territory” (something you haven’t done before). It’s also probably keeping you in the same circle of friends because you know that your current friends are not supportive and they would think that you’ve changed if you start following your passions.

So you see, knowing exactly how this procrastination is helping you or NOT helping you will give you the clarity to stop procrastinating on your course.

Your Next Step

Get your journals out and start brain dumping your answers to the questions above. Reflect about them because this might just be the first step you have to take to finally start launching your course.

For your next step, I invite you to sign up for my FREE “Simple 3-Part Course Launch Framework” training that teaches you how to ditch the complicated strategies and launch your course with ease. If you want to learn the step-by-step process in launching a course so you can finally make passive income, this is perfect for you. This 22-minute training is going to change your perspective on online courses big-time, so don’t miss out!


To your course success,
