Myrra Kate

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Countries I Went To in 2017

I have a confession to make: I have a serious case of wanderlust. That probably wouldn't come as a surprise to you if you've stuck with my blog for quite some time now (sending virtual hugs your way if you have!). If you're new on this blog, I love you already and I encourage you to check out my travel posts here as backup evidence of what I just said.When I was a few years younger, while working part-time at my uncle's company, I used to plan itineraries to the places I wanted to go to during my free time. Why? Just because I wanted to. Well - scratch that - I did it because, in my mind, I knew I was going to visit them. The way I saw it back then and even until now, if we just believed in our dreams enough, they will come true no matter what.And without a doubt, they did.Also, I must have done something right for God to give me a bonus - that is, my dreams came true even when I am still 19 years old. At such a young age, I had the chance to step into ten countries all in one year. If I didn't take the risk in sending that application for a student exchange program (which I almost did not because of financial and emotional matters) and if it wasn't for the incomparable support of my Mom, I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have been here drafting this blog post in the library of my exchange university here in Italy.So, my loves, I am humbly presenting you the list of the ten countries I have gone to last year. Just to be clear, in some of these countries, I have just spent a day or less. Nevertheless, the important thing for me is that I have already seized the opportunity that I am on the European continent, where different countries may just be a bus ride away.Attached to this post - even if not visibly - is my deep longing to inspire you, whoever you are reading this now, to stop looking at your horizons and start moving beyond them now. It's 2018, a new year, and it's the universe's way of overlooking everything there was in the past - except the lessons - and telling you that it's YOUR time. Your time to either start anew or continue on the path that you've already made for yourself. It's the universe's way of handing you new chances and opening new doors just for you. It's the universe's way of saying, "Hey, look, the world is just waiting for you to seize it."I hope you have your ears and eyes open. I hope you'll start listening and realize that you have what it takes to conquer the world.[click_to_tweet tweet="If we believed in our dreams enough, they'll come true no matter what. - Myrra Kate," quote="If we believed in our dreams enough, they'll come true no matter what."]

10 countries I visited in 2017


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - hongkong It was my first time going abroad and although it felt much like home, this Hongkong skyline captivated me.


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - germanycountries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - germanyGermany hasn't been my favorite city but its churches and culture did make a mark on me. Their Christmas markets are to die for though!


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - italycountries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - italyAt some point, I realized deep in my heart that, after everything I experienced here, Italy is and will always be my second home.


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - vaticanI went here and planned to see it for a day. After all, it's the smallest state in the world. But I loved it so much that I knew I had to go back. And so I did.


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - austria countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - austria

Of course, there's more to see in Austria than just Innsbruck. I swear, I'll be back for Vienna and Salzburg and will possibly remake The Sound of Music, too! ?


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - belgiumcountries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - belgiumThere are too many things to remember in Brussels - few of it bad - but still, the Belgian chocolates and waffles are nearly enough as compensation.


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - netherlands countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - netherlandsOh my beautiful, beautiful Amsterdam. I have no other words except, as McArthur stated it: "I shall [definitely] return."


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - paris francecountries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - strasbourg, franceI honestly underestimated Strasbourg but I ended up thanking my friend for dragging me into this beautiful town. And Paris - I'm afraid that, if I start telling you how much I love this city, I may not be able to stop.


countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - london, england countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - london, englandHere's to the city where I spent my first night partying and a little tipsy. And here's to the city whose hustle and accent made it so heartbreaking for me to leave.

Czech Republic

countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - czech republic countries i went to in 2017 - yours truly, myrra - czech republicI believe that this city is beautiful in daytime but I feel like its soul is more alive at night. I'm more than happy and blessed to welcome 2018 here.Happy New Year loves! I am wishing you all the best in the world. You might not believe it but I am praying for all of you. It doesn't matter if I know you personally or not. Know that I am here - believing in you... and your dreams.

P.S. All accommodation on my trips are made through! Are you planning your next trip? Get 10% back from your accommodation cost by booking your stay through this link!

More travel posts soon! What countries do you wish to go to, loves? Share them in the comments below!

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