Myrra Kate

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5 Essential Reminders for Bloggers of Any Niche

 When I created my blog, I had no idea what blogging would be for me and where it would take me. I made it purely out of my desire to share my stories and to be heard. I didn't know how to make it work at first. I transferred from platform to platform. I kept reading posts from my favorite bloggers. I changed my site themes rather quickly. I was blogging about anything under the sun - anything, as long as I found it interesting.These little things, when added all up, turned out to be something that would create a huge impact on my life.How did I know that?I started wanting more from blogging. I started investing in a domain just because I thought it would look good for a site. Then one day, one brand emailed me asking if I am willing to collaborate with them in exchange for a product. I didn't know how that happened but yeah sure, it was a new experience and sounded good and exciting so why not? Afterward, I saved money from my weekly school allowance to invest in a hosting site, bought a professional-looking theme, and then the rest is history.Essential Reminders for Bloggers of any Niche - tips for beginner bloggers - blogging tips - fashion blog - travel blog tips Connect 2018 - blogging events in manila - filipino bloggers - bloggers in manila - blogger in the philippinesAt this point, my blog has taken me to various wonderful opportunities and led to new experiences in my life. Because of it, I have met lots of new people who I eventually became friends with. I have been part of groups and communities who share the same passion as me. I have worked with several brands who trusted my voice in bringing their product and service campaigns to life.But back then, I remember how I would search for hacks, tips, and things to remember as a blogger. Reading those posts and watching those videos took a lot of my time. It also took me a number of years to figure out what works best for me as a startup blogger. But even if it took me a longer time than other bloggers out there, I know for sure that my blogging journey has been nothing but worth it.So if you're a newbie blogger who wants to start a blog but doesn't know how or an already-established blogger who's on your way to your blogging success, here is my take on the top things to remember as a blogger in any niche and with any reader count.

Essential Reminders for Bloggers of any Niche - tips for beginner bloggers - blogging tips - fashion blog - travel blog tips Connect 2018 - blogging events in manila - filipino bloggers - bloggers in manila - blogger in the philippines

Essential Things to Remember as a Blogger and/or Influencer

1. Your voice matters so, be real with it - write with it.I struggled with finding my blogging voice for a long time. I experimented using a lot of voices in my writings - among those is a funny one where I wrote lots of sarcastic jokes in my posts to make everything seem funny (I obviously failed lol). I did this because I wanted to fit in the blogosphere. I thought that it would pave my way faster to blogging success but it actually did the opposite.In using different voices and styles of writing, I became exhausted. I know this happens in times when I feel like what I'm doing doesn't have meaning. That's why I took a break from blogging and restarted it all when I came back.What I didn't realize is that I didn't have to experiment at all. I have it in me ever since. My blogging voice is my real, genuine voice. The way I talk in real life is the same way I should write. This way, I'm not faking myself. I'm showing who I really am to my readers and filter who appreciates it and who does not.The lesson here? Write the way you talk. It's much simpler and easier that way.2. There is no right and wrong in blogging.Everyone can start a blog. Everyone can write different things about the same topic but never run out of what to say. Simply stated, we see the world from different perspectives.Therefore, don't be ashamed of what you want to say. Always, always remember that your voice deserves to be heard. You may not know it now but someone might actually find your blog post ideas useful even if you think they're not. So go ahead, just blog.You create your own rules.Essential Reminders for Bloggers of any Niche - tips for beginner bloggers - blogging tips - fashion blog - travel blog tips3. Don't judge other bloggers or compare yourself with them.As I have said in #2, we all see the world differently. The way I see it - it is subjective. What's right for me may be wrong for you (believe it or not, these are communication theories that I'm studying as a development communication student). So we can't really question why someone's blog is relevant for others when it is actually not for us because that blog may simply not be for you.Also, now that being a blogger is so popular and everyone's just throwing it out like it's the easiest thing to do, you'll find that lots of people out there share the same niche as you. But please - never, ever treat them as competition. Instead, we are a community here. That's why it's important to use our own voices. Since we all are unique human beings who have unique DNA, we have unique voices as well. We will always be remembered for that.4. Stick to your WHY in blogging.Stick with your passion/s. Hold on to why you even wanted to be a successful blogger.There will be times where you'll feel like blogging has been a tedious task in your life. In these times, you may feel like quitting. But you won't do so if you have a strong foundation on who you are and what you aim as a blogger. Your why will be the reason you will keep on going even if it's hard. This itself is one of the most important things to remember as a blogger.Essential Reminders for Bloggers of any Niche - tips for beginner bloggers - blogging tips - fashion blog - travel blog tips5. Meet new people and network as a blogger. Build your tribe.Blogging success will be impossible without having a support system. Besides your family and friends, it's also good to have friends in the blogging community who you share the same passion with. These are the people who may even have more experiences than you so they can actually push you into becoming a better blogger. These are people who you should cherish as your community.Always consider your readers as well. It's an amazing thing to do just to thank them every once in a while for reading the things you post and for being interested in what you write, say, and do. These people are the reason you are where you are as a blogger right now.There, loves! I hope you enjoyed reading and got something from this list of things to remember as a blogger.Essential Reminders for Bloggers of any Niche - tips for beginner bloggers - blogging tips - fashion blog - travel blog tips

All photos are taken in #CONNECT2018, a blogging event by NGP Integrated Marketing Communications, that was held last March 17, 2018 in Twin Oaks Place, Manila. Special thanks to Sam Dadofalza for the invitation! You can follow NGP here and like their page here.

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Essential Reminders for Bloggers of any Niche - tips for beginner bloggers - blogging tips - fashion blog - travel blog tips

What reminders did I miss? Is there something about blogging that you love or hate? Share them in the comments, loves!